


“Be alert and pray that you do not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
(Matthew 26:41)

If we don’t take care of our weaknesses, they will destroy us. Vulnerabilities can bring you closer to GOD or make you blind to His love. Joseph and Samson faced similar temptations, but they responded very differently. Day after day, Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph, but he rejected her proposals.
(Genesis 39.7-9)

Samson, on the other hand, voluntarily yielded to Delilah (Judges 16:15, 16) Samson was consecrated to GOD, and the HOLY SPIRIT moved in his life. However, he chose the path of intemperance. Being too proud to admit his weakness, he lived by refusing to see reality, which led to a lack of discipline and left the door open to Satan.

Because he justified his weakness, it grew and soon began to dominate his life. Hearing the lies of the devil and ungodly people, he traded GOD’s blessing and supernatural strength for irresponsible sexual pleasure. In the end … what did you get? Absolutely nothing.

Given the slightest opportunity, sin will creep into life and affect everything, including faith, work, and relationships with family and friends. There is nothing that is off limits. Be alert and pray that you do not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.

We have the option of facing temptation like Joseph did, or like Samson did. In moments of weakness, do we depend on GOD, do we obey him and ask him for strength to overcome? Or do we make excuses and turn away from Him?

How different would Samson’s life have been if he had chosen a different answer!

Dear LORD, protect me from falling into temptation, save me from being defeated by evil and renew my strength, when I no longer find any, so as not to stop trusting in Your great power. In the name of JESUS. Amen and Amen.