

“You, then, will pray like this: Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.”
(Matthew 6: 9-10)

The prayer called “Our Father” is undoubtedly one of the best known texts in the Bible. This prayer is a model for meditation; It should inspire our entire prayer life. First we find three requests concerning GOD, his name, his kingdom, his will, and only then come our needs.

First of all we pray to our FATHER; We do not pray to a distant GOD, but to a FATHER who is close to each of his children. At the same time our FATHER is in heaven. The GOD who, through JESUS, came to us is far above us.

where the angels proclaim: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts.”
(Isaiah 6: 3)
All powers and all events are in your hand. And that great GOD is our FATHER. We can talk to you … What happiness. Then, taking the time to be in the presence of GOD, trusting in his goodness, we will first be busy with his Glory: the honor due to his name, the coming of his kingdom, the fulfillment of his will.

Presenting these first three requests with sincerity, and truly wishing for them, will have a great impact on our lives. We will want her to be in harmony with the name of GOD. The hope of the Lord’s return will be more alive in us. Fulfilling the will of GOD will not be painful, but a sign of trust in our GOD and FATHER.

Dear KING, thank you for coming to earth made man and leaving us so many teachings that reflect that we must do your will. Thank you for knowing that you always want to give us the best. In the name of de JESÚS. Amen and Amen.