

“Thus says the Lord: Only I know the plans I have for you. They are plans for your good, and not for your evil, so that you have a hopeful future.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)

Many times I have forgotten someone who has done good and pleasant things for me … other times I have been forgotten by someone whom I have appreciated. But, something that encourages my heart, is knowing that GOD never forgets me. I know that I am special to Him, because He expresses it in his word. “Thus says the Lord: Only I know the plans I have for you.

They are plans for their good, and not for their evil, so that they have a hopeful future. ” There can be no more encouraging words than those received by the LORD. He thinks of me, He has plans for me. Therefore, today I will be able to walk with the assurance that I will not be forgotten by the LORD OF LORDS.

I know that my life is not an accident, more GOD has a clear and definite purpose. Because HE has clear and defined purposes, he is the one who thinks about me. How great is your love and mercy and how great are your plans and your purposes.

Beloved LORD, our soul rests in You.
Our future is in You hands. We know that you never ignore us and never forget us, because this is what Your Word establishes. Let us on this day we can sow in the depths of our being this hope that will allow us to safely walk the path we have ahead. Your purposes are great and faithful and in You we will never be disoriented or confused. In this truth we rest. In the name of JESÚS. Amen and Amen.