

“After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire either. And after the fire came a soft murmur.”
(1 Kings 19:12)

To find peace in our lives, we simply must obey the inspirations that GOD gives us each day. An inspiration is a “knowledge” deep inside, telling us what to do.

First Kings 19:12 refers to this as a soft murmur. An inspiration is not a blow to the head with a hammer. In First Kings, the LORD did not use the great and strong wind, the earthquake or the fire to inspire Elijah. His voice reached Elijah like a soft murmur.

An inspiration doesn’t even have to be a voice at all. In fact, GOD often gives instructions speaking to the heart instead of the ears.

If we simply learn to listen to GOD and do what he says, we will discover that things will go well for us. No matter what the situation, we need to listen to GOD and obey His voice.

We should not understand the reasons why GOD is asking us to do certain things, but by hearing His voice and obeying His direction, we will be able to rest in His peace … So let us listen.

Dear LORD, help us to listen carefully to hear the inspirations of Your HOLY SPIRIT in our hearts every day. We want Your peace, because having it; Then we will listen to you. In the name of JESUS. Amen and Amen.