


“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to Jehovah: My hope, and my castle; my God, whom I will trust.”
(Psalm 91: 1-3)

There are few things that will change in our lives when we choose courage over fear, hope over anguish, trusting in the wisdom of GOD and not in our own will. However, no one can say that it will be easy to live by this conviction or make it part of our spirit overnight, but if you can make sure that we will succeed, if we are clear that they are a gift from the LORD.

Will it be possible to live free from fear in this dangerous and uncertain world? Yes, it is definitely possible. Because protection is a firm promise of GOD. But it is not a promise to anyone, but it is to those who dwell in the shadow of the LORD.

To dwell means to inhabit or habitually reside in a place. To dwell under the shadow of the OMNIPOTENT means to live in constant union with Him, keeping his Word and obeying his voice.

Those who remain in the LORD can live without fear of what the devil can do. However, let’s clarify something: God’s promise of protection does not guarantee that we will not find stones along the way. It means that GOD will give an escape route every time that cobbled road is the one we must travel.

If we are afraid of the dangers around us, let us spend more time in the Word and in prayer until trust in GOD overcomes fear. Let us approach the LORD until we are dwelling in the shadow of the OMNIPOTENT, and no matter how dangerous this world is, certainly GOD will help us.

Beloved FATHER, may Your protective hand always guide us along the good paths, allowing us to choose courage over fear, hope over anguish, and faith over doubt, in You we know that we can overcome. In the name of JESUS. Amen and Amen.